Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What kinds of foods promote hair growth?

I'm want to grow my hair pretty long so that I can donate a portion of it to "Locks of Love," which is an organization that takes donations of hair to make wigs for cancer patients who have lost their hair due to chemo-therapy. What kinds of foods promote hair growth other than foods with protein?

What kinds of foods promote hair growth?

Thats very sweet of you to do that with your hair

A diet high in vital nutrients mainly beta carotene, iodine and protein are necessary for shiny healthy hair.

Iodine is necessary for the production of the thyroid hormone thyroxin. This hormone promotes hair growth. The foods that contain iodine are seafoods like cod, mussels, seaweed and haddock.

Beta Carotene is actually converted by the body into vitamin A which makes the hair strong. You can find it in green and yellow fruits and vegetables like green peppers and cantaloupes.

Protein can be found in foods like meat, eggs and nuts to name a few.

Whatever you do, cut back on the foods that slow down hair growth like candy, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. What these food ingredients do is rob the body of nutrients that are necessary for hair growth. Nicotine in particular has been proven to destroy vitamin C - an essential vitamin for healthy hair and skin.

HAIR GROWTH TIP: Get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. This is believed to increase hair growth :)

What kinds of foods promote hair growth?

i don't know, but that is really sweet of you, i donated my hair 2 times. you just have to have 10 inches or more, and it doesn't really matter if it's the prettiest, as long as it's hair, andy child will be happy with it if they don't even have any of their own.

What kinds of foods promote hair growth?

that's so sweet!

the B vitamins are great for your hair. I know people that take prenatal vitamins specifically for their hair

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