Saturday, August 1, 2009

Any suggestions on preventing hair loss from radiation?

I'm in my 3rd recurrance of cancer and this time it's in my skull. Losing my hair when I had chemo was no big deal because it grows back, but now I've been told I should have radiation treatments. That can cause permanent hair loss. I've heard about a woman who used men's Rogaine to prevent hair loss when she was on radiation. Has anyone else heard of this?

Any suggestions on preventing hair loss from radiation?

My hair is still not back from radation.

The damage is more permanent than with chemo.

Just be happy to be alive, and find a good wig shop.

Best wishes

Any suggestions on preventing hair loss from radiation?

Try apple cider vinegar. Its all natural and will replace any vitamins and minerals you lose. It has 93 vitaimins and minerals. It will help with hair growth. Just 2 tbls. of acv in a glass of water. It prevents osteoporosis. You can use it in place of a meal. So take your acv 3-4 times a day or whenever you know you need to eat. Lots of luck darling. For some reason spirit says lots of green leafy vegetables as in a salad. Drink lots of water. Read the water cure on the web. Take care.

Any suggestions on preventing hair loss from radiation?

Unfortunately, I have not heard of Rogaine being successful. The only way it would be sucessful is if it could block the radiation from affecting your hair cells, which it can't do. I have seen some people who have had hair loss during radiation and it has grown back. I wish you the best of luck for a full recovery from your cancer!

Any suggestions on preventing hair loss from radiation?

my husband had radiation on his face lost all of his beard but in 4 weeks its comming back

I have straightened my hair 4 days back so can i start shampooing my hair because i ll get back dand

will shampooing make the hairs lose the straignthening effect

I have straightened my hair 4 days back so can i start shampooing my hair because i ll get back dandruff then?

depends on how u straightened it...If u got ur hair chemically straightened, as long as u don't wash it in the first 24 hrs u should be ok.

If it's heat straightened, like w/ a flat iron or pressing comb, it'll go right back to where it was and u'll probably need to straighten it again....

If u have black hair, even if u have it chemically relaxed, chances are it won't stay bone straight and will be slightly kinky... relaxers only loosen the natural curl pattern

I have straightened my hair 4 days back so can i start shampooing my hair because i ll get back dandruff then?

I'm not sure I understand the question. When I first read it, I thought you were talking about back hair, but you're wanting to know if shampooing hair will lessen the straightening effect?

The answer is probably yes, but clean hair is pretty much a must. There are shampoo products that help, though, so your best bet will be choosing one of those.

I have really thin, wiry hair, that keeps falling out. have pcos for 1.5yrs i need some advice...?

i am currently taking 2000mg of metformin, and a vitamins.also, i never put product on my hair(hair spray, mousse, it drys it even more with the alchol in those products) i am not sure if the scrip is causing this. but, i am 25, and my head feels like pubes! it gross! i need to find a good hairstyle to mask the fact that i am losing my hair now is just below my shoulders. i would prefer short a hairstyle but i am not sure if thats the route i have to take. otherwise, i am tempted to shave it off. please, please help. serious answers only

I have really thin, wiry hair, that keeps falling out. have pcos for 1.5yrs i need some advice...?

not sure what's pcos, but you need to drink milk and lots of protein to have healthy hair. use a few drops of olive oil after you wash your hair, it will keep the moisture in. trim your hair to be right above your shoulders and wash your hair 2, 3 times a week. try to wash your hair from the sink or use a bucket or bathing, you will loss more hair when washing it stand up in the shower.

I have really thin, wiry hair, that keeps falling out. have pcos for 1.5yrs i need some advice...?

depends on what your hair will wife is 34 and has had PCOS for over 3 years and has been using a few products from Walmart that have worked for her...that said..her hair still falls out..she also takes metformin...but i couldn't tell u the doseage..but the hair product that might help is really isn't a shampoo or a haircream but it has worked wonders for her hair!!! it is NOT cheap...but it lasts a LONG time and my wife has long dark brazilian hair (she IS Brazilian) and it works great so you shouldn't have to cut your hair!! If I can get the name of the shampoo and conditioner she uses..i will edit this and provide it tomorrow...

Thick hair?

recently my hairs lost alot of its volume.

Does anyone know of any good products/ways to get it thicker again?


Thick hair?

you could try susilk anti flat its cheap and i heard it works...or you can just go to the salon and get it thickened or somethin.

How to increase volume of my hair?

i've noticed lately that my hair's losing volume. i'm not sure if it's because i switched shampoo+conditioner. my face has an oily complexion so i can only stick with using hair products that won't add to the oil. besides biolage products, which are too expensive, are there other shampoo/conditioners that i can use increase the volume of my hair? what kind of products should i avoid? thanks :)

How to increase volume of my hair?

Just don't use too many products. and when you're conditioning, use a dime sized amount. If you straighten your hair, then pull the straightener upwards and it should create more volume. Or you could blow dry your roots and when you're drying your ends, make sure the hair is touching wherever it usually falls.

Or you could get your hair in a ponytail, then start pushing your hair up so that it makes a MASSIVE poofball

(it sounds weird, but hear me out)

Make sure most of your roots are all standing out, and go to sleep like that. Take the ponytail out, brush your hair upwards, and voila!

How to increase volume of my hair?

when blow dring ur hair take parts at a time, dont go straight down cuz it doesn't help ur hair get straighter also u should use sabastien hair products it gives ur hair shine and volume

How to increase volume of my hair?

Treseme volume and body shampoo and conditioner works great! although I dont kno about the oil addition...

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

I have been recently prescribed a medication that seems to be making my hair thinner. I notice I am losing more hair than ever before. Can this be prevented or reversed? Is there anyway to promote thicker, healthier hair?

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

There are lots of ways to promote hair regrowth, both natural and prescription. A quick internet search will show you that lemon juice and egg whites are a proven method to moisturize the scalp and improve hair regrowth and prevent loss.

If you are looking for a prescription based solution, there is rogaine, propecia, etc. etc. I did a quick query and found this website that has a bunch of information concerning women's hair loss and how it can be prevented:

My wife actually used them when she was having some hair loss problems of her own (thankfully, it turned out to be stress related and now she is fine.)

Hope I could help.

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

Your hair growth should return to normal after you quit taking the medication. You might ask your doctor if it is ok to use minoxidil while taking your prescription, but even that may not help until you quit the meds.

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

Check with your doctor or pharmacist if the side effect is reversible after discontinuation of the medication.

If not OR if it is an on-going medication you have to take continuously. Then check with your doctor if minoxidil 2 to 5% local application can help. Although this medication is used primarily in male, I have seen 4% worked in a female patient.

The draw-back is that you have to keep using it. Once stopped, you hair may thin again gradually.

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

Taking more protein and L-glutemine can trigger new and healthy hair growth.

Can women's hair loss be prevented or reversed?

You can stop hair loss using many cheap and effective home remedies. Egg white, lemon juice, oil massage are other home remedies at will prevent further problems.

I really screwed up my hair?

I decided to cut my bangs because they were abit to long so I ended up cutting the right side alot more that the left and I cant cut it any shorter or it will look like crap. Also I relaxed my hair hten dyed it twice and now my hairs frizzy. I want to dye it once more as my natural hair color so I don't have to mess with that again. I also want to relax it again since the dye took the relaxer out. Is there a good chance i'll be losing my hair?

I really screwed up my hair?

no, just ask ur friend 2 help ya, i had the same problem, just dont cut more than ya should lol

I really screwed up my hair?

No, but im not an expert, all I have 2 say is go see a stylist! But a nice one, not any old super cuts woman. If you want 2 have a GOOD hairday ever again, then thats what i suggest!

I really screwed up my hair?

It's time for you to go to a professional hairdresser for some help with your hair. Don't dye it again or put another relaxer on it yourself. For today you can use some good hair conditioner to help with the frizz. Make that appointment with the hairdresser ASAP.

I really screwed up my hair?

My friend did the same thing. She left it alone for awhile and sure enough, it grew out and was better than ever. You won't lose your hair. Just don't over do it. Let it grow back to its natural beauty.

Oh, here's an old Cajun trick we've been doing forever: If you want your hair to grow, cut off a piece on Good Friday and bury it. Don't know why but it works.

Can stress related hair loss appear to be male pattern baldness?

I am 22 and I recently pulled myself out of a mild depression. I had moved to a new city, I suffered high levels of stress and anxiety over a period of a year. I had chest pains from which I could not sleep and often felt it was a heart attack. I started noticing severe levels of hairloss on the top of my scalp. It appears to not be thinning out as badly as it is on the top. I quit my job, changed schools and I have managed to keep the stress levels under control. I consulted a dermatologist last week who spent 5 minutes speaking with me and didn't even bother to look physically at my hair. She just gave me the blanket response. "Oh, you're losing your hair, this is male-pattern-baldness." I disagree, to a large degree my family has NO history of hairloss and the stress was so over whelming, the hairloss was so sudden. I understand that hair returns after stress usually in 6 months? Should I wait that long from when I gained stress control before I start rogaine?

Can stress related hair loss appear to be male pattern baldness?

It can be, so go check with your doc before it's too late.

There are several forms of hair loss. If it is male pattern baldness (Androgenetic alopecia) then the hair loss cannot be fully cured in most cases, but just frozen for some time with the treatments availiable on market today.

1) Hair transplant (FUE technology) creates really natural hairline, no scars, the best way to go if you have enough donor hair and money of course.

2. Propecia (Finasteride) and Minoxidil are the only ones approved by FDA and proven to work in most men so far.

Generic Propecia (finasteride) is also ok. I use it with same results, and unfortunately same side efefcts(a bit dry feeling in the scalp) as brand propecia. Have tried lots of herbal crap before it and laser combs, so far the only thing that prevents my hairloss, not much regrowth, but has stopped my hairloss completely.

I buy from this pharmacy for the last 2 years - . It is under $1 per pill for 1mg propecia.also see

But before you consider to start propecia you must really study about the side effects. It can mess your hormones real bad if you are not lucky, so you must choose, hair or these side effects. Quite a big perecent have these side effects, more than Merck - the company that holds

Propecia trademark is saying. see the link for side effects stories

Can stress related hair loss appear to be male pattern baldness?

Hi, Isaac

Yes, male pattern baldness can be caused by a strong stress, hormonal changes in men's body, side effect of certain medications, or it can be genetically pre-determined.

I have the same problem. I used to have a very thick hair all my life. Until suddenly I had a very severe trouble between me and my brother. A deep depression was a result. I began to have so many health problems. Some of them are vitiligo, problems with digestion and hair loss.

And I can say for sure: all of those things were caused by a strong stress.

I visited many doctors, took all the medication they prescribed. Nothing helped me, but made me weaker.

Then I took a decision to don't visit any doctors, because the majority of them (as happened to me) give you any medication, even not related to your problem. All what they want is just to cash in on their patients. And as long as patients visit them, they make money.

So I began a self-treatment. I take different vitamin complexes, eat healthy food, stopped smoking etc.

I became more calm, more relaxed, the vitiligo has almost gone, and the digestion is much better then before.

As for loosing hair. I found a natural solution for hair loss. It is a composition of vitamins, herbs and nutrients. It is called Profinast and you can obtain it through or any other partner site you may find on the net. I take Profinast during 2 months so far and it really helps me. First of all, I don't loose hair any more. Secondly, I can see a significant hair growth on the previously balding area.

Don't take Rogaine. Your doctor didn't tell you that, but Rogaine should not be used by people with a history of heart problems, chest pains, or rapid heartbeat.

You can read an article about different methods of hair loss treatment at

How many ways has someone "lost there hair" ?

funny or otherwise, too much hairspray, moused it too much and it snapped off. dye it to match the bald spots, and the rest got lost, got it caught in an elevator door and it ripped off. got scared away by the bad combover. the kids worried it to death.

the wife/significant other yanked it out. i yanked it out over taxes. etc.etc.

BE INVENTIVE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many ways has someone "lost there hair" ?

My dog ate it.

How many ways has someone "lost there hair" ?

it turns out, when i was an active classical musician in NY and LA that i knew several oboists, both male and female, that wend bald. there is a condition, well known to woodwind musicians. even better known to oboists (those that play the oboe) it turns out that the back pressure of the player blowing air through such a small reed, that amongst other problems, oboists can frequently lose their hair.

beat that one!

How many ways has someone "lost there hair" ?

Homer lost his hair when he found out Marge was pregnant. He ripped some of it out every single time (Bart, Lisa, %26amp; Maggie).

How many ways has someone "lost there hair" ?

I'm on drugs!

There is an 80's movie where these kids come across this magic solution to grow hair. What is i

I think the main kid is going through some kind of radiation treatment, which causes him to lose his hair in the first place. His friend sees that the stuff works and puts it....down there. LOL I think this solution may include peanut butter. Mind you, I was born right before the 80's so I was pretty young when I saw this movie. =o)

There is an 80's movie where these kids come across this magic solution to grow hair. What is it?

The Peanut Butter Solution

--Lee Ann

There is an 80's movie where these kids come across this magic solution to grow hair. What is it?

I think what you're looking for is called The Peanut Butter Solution

plot synopsis: Peanut butter is the secret ingredient for magic potions made by two 'friendly' ghosts. Eleven-year-old Michael looses all of his hair when he gets a 'fright' and uses the potion to get his hair back, but too much peanut butter causes things to get a bit 'hairy'.

Why is my hair thinning--I'm 28, female...used to be thick and curly? very healthy. no thyroid

I exercise A LOT...always have. I noticed this issue about 6 months ago, but thought it was just me. I have long hair and I am not losing anymore hair each day than I ever have---but now when I feel it it is definitely overall a lot thinner. It's so flat and it used to be full. I started using Nioxin. To the average person I guess my hair looks thick...but it is totally different than it was a year ago. I eat healthy. I don't think I've been under anymore stress than usual

Why is my hair thinning--I'm 28, female...used to be thick and curly? very healthy. no thyroid problems?

maby because you use to straiten it all the time, wash it all the time and bloe dry it all the time. And if you slept with your hair platted then you got your answers. If it aint any of the above then you havt go see a doc.


oh and try changing ur shampoo

Why is my hair thinning--I'm 28, female...used to be thick and curly? very healthy. no thyroid problems?


How could I make my hair more shiny?

Which home remedy would make my idiot hair be more shiny? My hair keeps losing it's shine. Reporting, my hair is naturally shiny, but why does it hate me? Are you good at answering weird questions like this? Who is watching me?

Now, read words # 1, 7,14,18,29,30,31,41,42

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Honestly that takes way to much time!

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Try using Olive Oil, it works wonders.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

wash in cold water

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Honorable Rajneesh is recommending a conditioner in cool water, with periodic treatments of beer.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Very clever.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

use a nice conditioner and even you can use some oil not alot because your hair would look to graeasy but just get less than a half a teaspoon and rub it on your hair it works trust me the best to use is olive oil if you dont have that then try vegetable oil

How could I make my hair more shiny?

not I

How could I make my hair more shiny?

lol--very creative! I don't know who is reporting you though. It isn't me. : )

How could I make my hair more shiny?

mayonaise. Which idiot keeps reporting me are you watching me? Clever.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

You need to incorporate vitamin E on your diet. Eat brown rice, nuts, wheat germ and leafy green vegetables. Also try to massage your scalp while you're washing your hair.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

I would not report you, you look hot. I also have a good source of protein to make your hair shiny.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Try Mane n' Tale Shampoo %26amp; Conditioner

How could I make my hair more shiny?

You say your hair is naturally shiny but you keep losing shine? it could be what you are using on your hair. The best products for shine are anything with silicone in them. pantene has agreat shampoo and conditioner out just for shine called ice shine. I always get compliments on my hair when I use these and am asked what do I use because I have a nice shine . hope this helps you.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

I would try Olive Oil on your hair.

It wasn't me, but I'm sure they are watching.

How could I make my hair more shiny?


How could I make my hair more shiny?

First flip it over and brush from root to ends, if that don't work go out and buy some biosilk.

How could I make my hair more shiny?

Use shampoo

How could I make my hair more shiny?

if you shower every day, try showering every other day because your washing all the nutrients off your hair

How could I make my hair more shiny?

I Love your hair dont know how or which Hairstyling idiot keeps telling you to cut your hair but maybe reporting your hair to be shiny is just you but I am not the one to say either way.


What causes dog hair loss?

Our 13 year old Yorkshire Terrier has been losing his hair in spots all over his body. Lately he's been chewing at his skin till it's raw but he doesn't have fleas! His vision and hearing are both going bad due to old age, so could his hair loss be because of old age too?? Or could there be another probable cause? The hair loss is not due to his chewing on count that one out.

What causes dog hair loss?

Terriers are nortorious for terrible skin problems and he could also have an allergy.

Age may bring on other kinds of mental problems as well, and the dog could be chewing out of some reaction within their mind

What causes dog hair loss?

well dry skin or fleas. Those two things make them itch and lose their hair. Give him a regular bath, and if that doesn't work then give him a flea bath

What causes dog hair loss?

There are a number of possible reasons causing this hair loss. One single unseen flea can trigger a flea allergy. Thyroid malfunction can cause hair loss as well as poor nutrition or some undiagnosed medical condition. Schedule a vet visit for proper diagnosis. Good luck!

What causes dog hair loss?

You should have your vet take a look but it could be pretty simple. There is medicated shampoo for a condition dogs often get where their skin gets itchy and raw and hair falls out. My dog get it a lot. She just had it and has a bunch of bald spots. My vet calls it the creeping crud. I gave her a bath with the medicated shampoo and it's better. There is also nonprescription shampoo called 'Itchy dog' shampoo in some pet stores. It could also be allergies.

What causes dog hair loss?

When dogs get older, coat problems are prettycommon. It could be because the oil-producing glands aren't working as well anymore and skin and coat are dry. It could also be a sign of Cushing's syndrome. If your yorkie hasn't been to the vet for a while you might want to take him to get checked out.

What causes dog hair loss?

Your dog has demodex type of mange it is usually carried in the blood and regular dog immune systems fight it off but when the immune system starts wearing out. the mange flares up. take your dog to a vet but at this point it seems you will not be able to do anything about it because the treatment for this mange is usually a poison based treatment.

What causes dog hair loss?

heat they have to shed the coat

not a problem


What causes dog hair loss?

Could be old age, could be dry skin, food allergies. All sorts of things.. Do you bath him all the time??

Over bathing dogs, stripping them of their natural oils will dry the heck out of them..

Check your food bag, maybe you could be feeding a better quality dog food. Add some Omega 3 oils to the diet, that 'll help with dry skin.

What causes dog hair loss?

Get bloodwork done on your dog right away, it sounds like your dog is really suffering. I agree with the post about getting the thyroid checked especially. Your vet will probably start out with steriods to ease the pain and reduce the itching/biting but this is only a bandaid approach, you need to find the root cause. Look up a Dr. Pitcairn, he is a vet and has a book out on Since we put our Yorkies on his easy to make diets they are doing so much better and the older ones' eyes are now crystal clear (from looking old and cloudy) If your using Frontline ( Fipronil ) you may want to research some into that as well, it's an insecticide and I believe to be dangerous.

What causes dog hair loss?

old age, fleas, poor diet and/or allergies, mange etc..

What causes dog hair loss?

I have a seven year old german shepard, About 2 years ago she was shedding sooo bad, I mean giant clumps of fur all over my dark blue carpeting. She was also very itchy and so uncomfortable it was sad. I took her to the vet, she said that Holly wasn't getting enough nutrician from the Alpo I was feeding her, She suggested IAMS (it worked great until the took it off the shelves) She also said that she had allergys probably to my smoking and maybe just to dust in general. She told me to give a Benydryl capsule twice a day. It worked!!! Now I have a 125 pound dog so I wouldn't give all that to your little dog but talk to your vet, try the phone they can usually help that way without charging you. I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK

What causes dog hair loss?

Fleas come to mind first, apply a dose of Frontline or Advantage unless you already have done that in the last 30 days. Just because you don't actually see the fleas this doesn't mean they are not there. This is also prime time for allergy season. A lot of dogs and cats have this problem this time of year. A trip to the vet would be wise they may want to give him a low dose cortisone shot that will give him the relief he so desperately needs.

You can also try to bath him using and oatmeal based shampoo or one that says helps to relieve dry itchy skin. If the chewing persists he will give himself hot spots and could get a skin infection if he hasn't already done this.

A thyroid problem will cause hair loss without chewing but usually there are other signs of this like weight gain and increased water consumption.

What causes dog hair loss?

I'd try to switch the food first... sounds like allergies to me.

The above site ranks foods according to stars...

6 stars are the best for your dog, and anything lower than about 4 stars is like feeding your dog McDonald's for every meal...

So, try to switch your dog to a better food, and then try adding in some omega 3 oils... Like Salmon Oil.

Kronch which can be bought thru is a good brand... Timberwolf Organics also produces a good Salmon Oil.

Good luck.

MY hair doenst fall out anywhere except on my clothes?

il have about 10-15 strands of hair [or maybe less] on my jacket or jumper...but when i comb its fine and in the shower its fine..why mybloody jumpers..its anything wooly itl get stuck on it..

ami losing my hair....:[

MY hair doenst fall out anywhere except on my clothes?

I wouldn't worry, if I gets worser I would let someone know.

MY hair doenst fall out anywhere except on my clothes?

bc when hair is lying on your clothes the clothes pull it when u start to move ur hair does da same thang sometimes

MY hair doenst fall out anywhere except on my clothes?

For me this is a problem called shedding. When the roots are weak hair sheds. What you need is an internal and external nutrition. Look up a website which will give you a detailed help for your problem. If you have doubts call the they will guide you.

Hair loss....... please an help??

I have been losing my hair in bundles for the last couple of years, i ve been to many doctors and have tried a lot of medications from sorciere, to revivogen and lastly regain 5%. Nothing seems to be working....... it is still falling in bundles.

What is left now is about 1/10 of what i used to have, now my hair is very very long and i know, most of you will tell me to shorten it, but it breaks my heart since i love it this way and it suits me, but i know i have to get it at least to half my back or even shoulder length.

Anyway, any help in this matter would be appreciated........

Hair loss....... please an help??

Try having a look around this site, my friend came from Egypt and went to them and found what they said and done really helpful:

this is supposed to be good: you could try and see where you can get it or similar:

An Introduction To Minoxidil 12.5% + Azelaic Acid Cream

Minoxidil 12.5% with Azelaic Acid (AA) cream contains 12.5% Minoxidil and 5% Azelaic acid and has been exclusively developed by the Belgravia Pharmacy to treat stubborn cases of male and female pattern hair loss and Alopecia Areata, amongst other conditions. As Minoxidil is dose dependent, the 12.5% preparation is in most cases specifically beneficial in areas which include the temples, frontal hairline, or in some cases patches on the vertex or crown. Minoxidil 12.5% + AA is also beneficial to these areas as it is easy to apply due to its thick texture.

How Does Minoxidil 12.5% with Azelaic Acid 5% Work?

Minoxidil acts as a vasodilator and increases blood flow to the hair roots which encourages hair growth. Azelaic Acid is a natural substance found in some whole grains and in trace amounts in the human body. Azelaic Acid acts as an inhibitor of the enzyme 5 alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is responsible for damaging the hair follicles and restricting growth. This reduction of DHT in the scalp encourages hair growth.

The combination of these two medications is highly complementary. One ensuring enough blood is being delivered to the follicles, and the other making sure the blood is in fit condition to ensure healthy growing hair.

Can Minoxidil 12.5% + AA Be Used With Any Other Medications?

Over years of treating thousands of hair loss sufferers, Belgravia has found that the combination of more than one medication ensures the best results. Minoxidil 12.5% + AA can be used alongside minoxidil 5% + MPG, as well as hair vitalics and our other 閳ユoosters閳?to ensure the highest chances of maximum re-growth.

Also try and see a chinese herbal person, as they gave my friend some effective shampoo


Hair loss....... please an help??

So, you've been to doctors, and they've checked you for:




kidney disease


Hair loss....... please an help??

scalp massages at least once a week.............find a beauty school and let the students do this for half the price a salon would charge......

Hair loss....... please an help??

Hello friends,

it's not a very serious problem if you care your hair daily now I want to say that you should use only one type oil and before the sleep use the comb in your hair.

you find that your problem solve within 30days.

Hair loss....... please an help??

it happens bcz of of the deficiency of vitamin E in the body .. i have the same problem n so does my sister n her daughters and we all were prescribed the same medications n it does works.. its EVION any mg.. 400 or 200 ... but do use any multi vitamin along with it .. u will see results in a month of regular/daily use

Hair loss....... please an help??

I experienced hair loss last year and went to Dr. He prescribed a german multi vitamine called panthogar and prescribed a solution done at the pharmacy 50% alcohol and 50% panthenol. I took them for 3 months. They worked wonders. But I believe that you should always consult a doctor before taking any medication, no matter how harmless they might seem. Best of luck. After all, a woman's hair is her crown!

Hair loss....... please an help??

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Modern hairloss treatments

Vitamins for Hair Loss/growth

Hair loss....... please an help??

Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.

Hair loss....... please an help??

Olive oil helps, massage it to your scalp 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Also try asking the same question at the health category and at the alternative medicine category. They give very good tips.

Hair loss....... please an help??

hey hope,

i hope u r fine...

so about ur hair,i dont know a real therapy for this but i used to have long hair too and still somehow.

so i can suggest that u should cut it,believe me.

not so short,but u can ask from hairdresser to cut it in a way to give it volume and look healthier.

also,u should make sure it's not vitamins defeciency so try to have balanced meals

try to keep it away from chemicals and driers not to make me weaker...

i hope this helped

Hair loss....... please an help??

i had that problem few months ago and it was a total disaster, but i was taking some medicine. it's just a composure of vitamins, from which the most important ingredients were: A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12 i PP plus betakaroten, folic acid, and few more.

i took it for one month and now my hair behave normal.

the name of the mix is Belissa but it's not available here, i got it from Poland. but maybe you can find a similar mix here.

my opinion you should go to doctor and ... hair dresser, unfortunately the length of your hair is not helping them... and they cannot look attractive also, if they are so long and so thin, so cut it baby and i promise it will grow back again one day.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

My friend from gentlemen's lodge has went on this crazy cult diet and is losing his hair. I have 2 questions actually. The next question is this. Should someone who is losing their hair go ahead and shave their head? Which looks better, a person with thinning hair or a shaved head?

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Lack of protein and iron. Also certain vitamin or mineral deficiencies like zinc, copper, magnesium. Vegans must get adequate protein and iron and should probably supplement with vitamins and minerals. They need their calcium, omega 3(flax oil) and other things they may not be getting from being totally vegan. I'm not bashing veganism, I have a friend who is vegan and she is fine but she supplements and takes vegan protein shakes daily. I wish I had the will power to be vegan, we'd all be much healthier actually.


Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Oh, because it doesn't. Fantastic scientific investigation with a representative sample of 1.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

There is no evidence that a vegan diet causes hairloss. Shave your head if you're losing your hair. This way, once you lose the rest of it you will look pretty much the same and there will be no adjustment period when you have no choice. As for losing your hair in general, it's best to try to accept this fact without trying to figure out a way to try to hide it with a hat or a hairstyle that makes it look like you have more hair than you actually do. Losing your hair is a tough thing, but the sooner you accept it the better off you'll be. There are plenty of women out there who don't care about hairloss, don't panic, it's part of life. I say shave your head and don't think about it anymore.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

there is such a thing as being a junk food vegan -- you have to eat balanced meals when you are a vegan too. if he isn't getting enough fats he should suppliment with flax oils -- you need your omega 3s and 6s for thick hair. if his main protein is soy that is a bad idea -- it is full of estrogen which his body will counteract with testosterone production which will make your hair fall out.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Vegan diets don't cause hair loss. They actually correct it.

Nor is veganism a crazy cult diet. It's a well thought out lifestyle choice.

While folks above me have stated protein deficiency causes hair loss, in actuality the opposite is true. Too much protein causes hair loss.

You've seen those dogs with "hot spots" and bald butts? Too much protein. Adding fresh brown rice to their diet corrects the problem. So of course pet food manufacturers jump on that and start presenting kibble forumulated with rice. Which is a waste of time and money.

Too much protein taxes the kidneys. Toxins start coming out your skin. It can often look like a mild sunburn.

Also, sodium laurel (and laureth) sulfate in your every day shampoo is known to cause hair loss. Then they try to sell us Rogain to counter the issue when all we need is a SLS free shampoo.

As to which looks better, that depends on the individual. Some men have very sexy skulls. Some don't.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

I really dont appriciate you calling veganism a CULT diet because it isnt I also think its bull that it causes hair loss i am vegan and my hair is thicker then ever

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

no. a vegan diet does not cause hair loss. his hair loss may be his age,his genes, stress, etc.thinning hair or a shaved head depends on the persons face and shape off head. also vegan is not a cult. please look up in all the journals you have,for the correct definition of 'cult".

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Cha Foxhunter!, la, la, la, I can't hear you...take your bogus questions, la, la....

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

I just remembered that I need

to trim my thick vegan mustache, shave

my beard down to a stubble and get a

haircut this weekend.

THANK YOU for reminding me.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Get a life foxhunter and stop trying to insult vegetarians and vegans with your ignorant comments and made up questions.

As for your 2nd question-it's his choice.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

As many other vegans with a wonderful, full, thick head of hair have already told you veganism doesn't cause hairloss. In fact, I haven't met a bald vegan yet! You also know that veganism isn't a cult. Also, most vegans I know wouldn't be seen dead or alive in a Gentleman's lodge - who'd cater for us there - no one!

It must be wonderful for you living in your dream world where vegans are the enemy and it's okay to kill inocent animals for fun. I'd hate to think you actually had to wake up and smell the coffee and realise you're wrong.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

It doesn't.

Crazy cult diet? That like 2 billion people in Eastern Asia follow? You don't know what you're talking about.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

My question for you: Is is better to ask annoying questions or to remain silent?

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

A balanced vegan diet will not cause hair loss. Your friend must sort his diet out before he ends up with a serious medical condition - a trip to a qualified dietitian or nutritionist would be a good idea as they would be able to identify what essential nutrients he's cut out of his diet and causing this problem.

With regards to thinning hair, I think shaving it looks better. Never, EVER go for the comb over!

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?


Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

changing from one dieted to another in such a drastic way can obviously make the body change. it seems like your friends body (hair in particular) cannot handle a vegan diet. the change has to be gradual, not sudden.

and bold looks better

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

your friend probably was not eating enough protien. there are a ton of foods that are vegan, you just have to make sure you are getting all of your nutrients. I deffinatley prefer a shaved head to a thinning one. Just check out Britney Spears new do. It works for both guysand gals!

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

He is probably not getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals. Also, lack of protein will cause hair loss. And if a person is losing their hair, just shave it. That looks much better that thinning hair.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Your friend is losing his hair because hair is made of dead protein called keratin and a vegetarian diet excludes protein. He should take zinc or biotin pills to help his hair grow back and vitamins to help with the protein.

If your hair is falling off just shave it off. Sure, it will look weird at first but after a while nobody will notice. Don't be a Donald Trump!

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

A shaved head, but I have noticed unsightly facial hair on female vegans

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

lack of protein?

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

60% of vegans are estimated to have some level of deficiency of vitamin B12, a symptom is which guessed loss (also aneamia and death, but that takes longer).

Either get him back on meat or get him on B12 supplements.

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

I am not a vegetarian or a vegan but I know that when my sister became a vegan, she DID start losing her hair and it WAS because she was not getting enough protein in her diet. She's not a huge cook, so she went back to vegetarianism, eating eggs and occasionally fish.

You do need to change some things about your lifestyle if you want to commit to not eating meat, and especially animal bi-products.

I'm surprised at some of the ignorant statements made in answer to this question!!!

Why does a vegan diet cause hair loss?

Because your not eating all of the foods that your body needs.

And if you are a vegan or thinking of becoming one, I would advise agentst it. You can get really sick from becoming a Vegan. And I mean REALLY sick!

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

vince or trump

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

Vince McMahon did, and it was funny as hell

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

im not sure

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

I dont think the match starded yet

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

The Hair match hasn't started yet. So far, Kennedy won the MIB match; Khali beat Kane, and MVP v. Benoit is on right now.

Who lost their hair at wrestlemainia?

probably trump

How do I prevent hair loss?

Alright, I am 14 and I have a full head of hair. However, all the guys in my family lose their hair. I am worried about losing my hair too. Is there anything I can do now to prevent hair loss along the road? Thanks a lot.

How do I prevent hair loss?

Look at the guys on your mom's side of the family. If they have male pattern baldness, you have a greater likelihood of inheriting that. This is a sex-linked characteristic that is usually carried on the X chromosome, which you get from your mom. There are treatments like Rogaine which can help with thinning hair, but there isn't a lot you can do to easily or cheaply stop this biological process. Just pray that you got the good genes.

How do I prevent hair loss?

before you use PROPECIA, read an article from wiki, see what the side effect is. basketball players are bold, so its not that bad. Report It

How do I prevent hair loss?

You can take Propecia.

How do I prevent hair loss?

you cant you are suppost to lose 80 pices of hair a day

How do I prevent hair loss?

Stop your chemotherapy

How do I prevent hair loss?

Go to the doctor and get a prescription medication

How do I prevent hair loss?

You can't.

Baldness is a relatively new evolutionary feature. It means you are on an advance evolutionary state as compared to your furry head peers.

Attempting to keep all the hair on your head while evolution is trying to get rid of it would be like trying to keep or regain the tail our ancestors left behind long ago.

How do I prevent hair loss?

Rub Coconut oil every night and sleep ,also use good soap for your body, you will saved from hair fall.

How do I prevent hair loss?

you are 14 years old enjoy your life--Bald is cool...

How do I prevent hair loss?

i dont think you can

How do I prevent hair loss?

Hair loss that is caused by medications, stress, lack of protein or iron, or hair care may be prevented. Avoiding certain medications, reducing stress, getting adequate protein and iron in your diet, and using hairstyles that do not damage your hair may reduce or prevent hair loss.

sad to say, inherited hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) cannot be prevented.

You could try a hair regimen though. Many people believe that stimulation of the scalp can prevent hair loss and cause new growth. It is thought that grooming promotes blood circulation to hair follicles, which promotes growth. Articles on this subject offer conflicting advice. Some say use only the finger tips, never fingernails or synthetic brushes. Others say to use only a synthetic soft tipped brush. Personally, I use a soft tipped brush in gentle repetitive strokes. This is what feels right to my scalp, and it seems to prevent hair loss. There is little scientific evidence to back this method for preventing hair loss. However, it is generally thought that massage promotes good circulation. It is unlikely to cause damage, though it may cause weak hairs to fall out in the beginning. These hairs would have most likely fallen out soon anyways.

How do I prevent hair loss?

Yes.................Stop worrying about it. There's nothing you can do right now. Your too young to be worrying about nonsense like that anyway. Enjoy your youth!

How do I prevent hair loss?


How do I prevent hair loss?

here are some tips to stop hair loss:

Taking Care of Hair

Vitamins for hair growth

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

How do I prevent hair loss?

Before taking any medicines I would try natural homemade remedies like this for example:

"Yemeni med: Soak fenugreek (Hilba) in deep pot of water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cloth for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.


There are plenty more at:

Good luck

Can i die my hair after a c section?

i had my baby 2 weeks ago but they told me some women lose their hair after having a baby so if i die my hair is it possible that i can start losing it?

Can i die my hair after a c section?

yes so wait a while

Can i die my hair after a c section?

I think that is really rare. I had no problems. Just express your concern with your stylist. If you are doing it yourself, just be careful to feel for any unsual tingling or burning. I really think you will be fine :) Plenty of women dye their hair after childbirth, just look at all the actresses out there :)

Can i die my hair after a c section?

OMG never heard of that! die your hair come on you deserve it. I know you waited because of being pregnant. :)

When guy's lose their hair why does the hair on the sides and back not fall out?

its weird

When guy's lose their hair why does the hair on the sides and back not fall out?

hahah. Your question amuses me. I do believe it has to do with oil glands, dryness, sun exposure and male pattern baldness. PS you'll know how your hair will roll by looking at your mom's dad. Let's hope he's got a head-o-hair!!

When guy's lose their hair why does the hair on the sides and back not fall out?

Its called male pattern baldness...

When guy's lose their hair why does the hair on the sides and back not fall out?

It is one of God's cruel, cruel jokes.

Hair fall due to shampooing?

I am using pantene black shampoo but i am losing my hairs due to shampooing what should i do, i have used many other shampoos but the problem persists is there a way to stop this hair fall

Hair fall due to shampooing?

Stop shampooing with that, and start using Nioxin (available at most salons). In 6 months you will start to have new growth.

Hair fall due to shampooing?

If your father experienced a similar situation, shampooing is not the problem. The over-the-counter remedies for hair loss work.

Hair fall due to shampooing?

If you feel you are losing hair due to shampoo, stop using that brand!!! But...your hair falling out may not be due to your shampoo! You may be experiencing stress that is causing the problem ( it does not have to be obvious stress to cause hair loss) You may also be going through a "cycle" where your body is changing and this will cause some hair loss. What ever the case may be it should not be of great concern, when you lose hair new hair begins to grow to replace it ( its a vicious circle :P ) If you can avoid using a brush or comb for awhile but instead use a Pic, that may ease the problem somewhat. Try changing shampoo brands ( try a new one for a month or 2 to see if it helps, changing brands every time you shampoo will not allow you to determine if it is the shampoo)

**Now, if you are losing a huge handful all at once you may want to consult a physician as this is signal of a body chemical change and could possibly be something serious.**

I lose hair all year and more when I get really stressed. My hubby says I shed worse than pets at time lol. You also lose hair when you brush hair as you always tend to pull out hair.

Hair fall due to shampooing?

Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

Hair fall due to shampooing?

shampoo will not make your hair fall out, see a dr. because you may have some health problems that can corrected. hope this helps.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

My hair was a medium brown color with caramel chunks throughout. I went to a new stylist and told her I wanted blonde. She put a 40 volume on my hair. It took 4 hours for my hair to turn to get a dark blonde color. Afterwards my hair was very dry. I started using Olive Oil Shampoo %26amp; Conditioner, as well as the Deep Conditioner and Leave-In Conditioner. After a month, my natural roots started growing back out. I went to my stylist and touched up the roots, and then got platinum highlights as well as a black accent chunk on the top. Now, my hair is breaking off like crazy. I wear a night cap with deep olive oil conditioner some nights and have tried "Cholestoral" conditioner. Some days my hair feels fine and others it looks horrible. On the sides in the front it's breaking off making me look like I'm losing my hair. What should I do to help it grow back? Keep in mind I straighten my hair 5 days out of the week with a Chi straightner.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

Sounds good.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

eat protein conatining diet

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

cut it off

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

I like Nexus Humectress for a deep conditioner. It really helped keep my ends from splitting when I taught swim lessons (in a chlorine pool) one summer.

I hate to say it, but you may want to give your hair a break from the coloring and straightening. Both are very damaging to normal hair, and it sounds like you already have overly dry hair to start.

Good luck with whatever you do. :)

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

the best thing is to wash your hair with a shampoo that has aloe vera

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

many deep conditioning your hair will help

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

stop doing whatever you doing to your hair. stop coloring for a while and stop using straightener and dryer. use lot of conditioners. and in about a month or so your healthy hair will be back.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

stop straightening your hair

put facial moisturiser - a cheap one - all over your hair, leave it overnight and then wash out, will bring back healthy shine and tangle free.

stop putting so many chemicals in your hair, leave it to grow naturally

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

First, making your hair lighter strips natural color from the hair making it drier and weaker. Secondly, if you straigthen your hair 5 days a week the hair becomes dry and weak also. Plus, the straightener sometimes breaks the strands when you pull down. From what I know, Chi straighteners are the best if they have ceramic plates.

If you truly want your hair to be healthy you have to stop with the color treatments and the straightening. I know how hard that is since I do both as well. If you want to continue doing it the best advice I guess is to continue with the deep conditioning and get trims regularly.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

I had like the same problem. It makes you really scared and go nuts. First of all- STOP STRAIGHTENING! - The best thing you can do is wait for it to grow back again after having a haircut. Not the lengh, but the volume. aSk another stylist to leave your hair as "healthy as you can onely with a haircut" and also get a conditioning AT the stylist. Then when it's healthy enough go to a more professional stylist. To fins cheap find a place that's always full and go on a monday morning. Ask them if it's a good idea to go back to your roots and then LET GROW!!! believe me, I had the same problem. I went blonde and now look at my hair - shiny and sexy dark brown again!- If you want it blonde AFTERWARDS try 3 sets of highlights with a space of one month at least between each. Your hair will go VERY blond. If you don't believe me... well I have pictures!!!

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

Sounds like your hair needs a break. STOP the Chi straightening immediately. The heat is just adding to the breakage. Use a hot oil treatment and leave it on longer than recommend, I use V05 Hot oil. Take a daily vitamin to help your hair grow faster and stronger. I would recommend laying off the color for a little while at least until you have a full head of healthy hair again.

When the hair breaks off, it is a sign of damaged hair. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done because the damage is already done. Use beer once a day to shampoo your hair and bring back some color to your damaged hair. Use it just like you would any shampoo and don't worry, you won't smell like a raging alcoholic ;)

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

Hair care tips

1)Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.

2)Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but enough to cover hair completely with lather.

3)Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.

4)Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break.

5)Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.

6)Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.

7)Avoid dyes n colours(not possible as most of the girls r into colouring..)

8)Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.

9)Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.

10)After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.

11)Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.

12)Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.

13)Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.

14)Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.

15)Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.

16)Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.

Learn to relax.

17)Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.

18)Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.

19)If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat.

20)Drink plenty of water.

hope it helps....

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

Stop everything! Don't do anything else to it. Let it grow. The bottom line is that nothing prevents breakage. You can help it, but not prevent it. Get it trimmed every six weeks. Stop flat ironing it so much. Adjust the temperature of the iron so it's not so hot. A lot of people say "It won't straighten if it's not burning hot". Not true. Let your hair get used to a cooler setting and then you won't need it so hot. If the heat burns your fingers, think of what it's doing to your hair. Be brave and have someone hide it from you so you won't use it. I had to have my brother hide mine from me because I was using it so much. You are doing the right steps. The conditioning treatments will help it. If you have to go all one color to get your hair healthy again than thats what you have to do. Highlighting it strips it.

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

get hair cream

What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?


What do I need to do to get my hair healthy again?

what you need to do is you need to dye your hair your natural color, and cut off all your dead ends. Even if your hair is very short, its better than having little hair than no hair. do not straighten your hair or color your hair, because all it does is damage your hair.

Trimming layered hair?

My wife has long layered hair. I need to know the easiest way to trim her hair without losing the layers or a lot of length (one inch trim). Strapped for cash and going to barber/salon is not really an option. Help?

Trimming layered hair?

I learnt this trick many years ago when I worked with a great hairdresser. Get your wife to tip her head down so she is looking at the floor then comb her hair down very well then grab her hair tight with your hand and cut the desired amount off and you will see when she tips her head back up she will have instant layers or in her case her layers will be trimmed. The reason this works is because when she has her head down the hair at the back of her head gets combed right over her whole head so you would only end up cutting a little off and it would'nt affect her length and the opposite occurs with her hair at the front. Try it, I hope I explained it well.

Trimming layered hair?

I'd advise her not to cut her own hair

Trimming layered hair?

The best advice I can give you is go to your local bookstore, I shop "Barnes and Noble" go to the how to section and sit down and check out the books with pictures and instructions. Much easier to understand with pictures

Hair loss!!!!?

After i moved to CO, my hair started falling??? Dry climate or...

What should i do, i tried vitamins, diffrent masks, oils. I am still losing my hair, especially after the shower, a LLLOOOOT!

Please need help,any stuff that u tried, and it works.

Hair loss!!!!?

it could be the change in climate. stop using all the chemicals and just give your hair a rest. do not wash it for one day. that will help itj restore it's natuaral vitamins and give it a nice break.

Hair loss!!!!?

ooh bummer might just be your time

Hair loss!!!!?

See a doctor Immediately.

Hair loss!!!!?

..could be a health related problem such as thyroid to you

Hair loss!!!!?

See a doctor. You could have a medical condition, such as a thyroid problem.

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thic

try taking a multi-vitamin daily, or better yet, one that is good for hair skin and nails. Also, color your hair with semi-permanent color, a similair color to your natural hair color or a little darker.. This adds a coat to the hair strands and makes it feel, look thicker and shiny. Get a trim every 6-8 weeks. Eventually your hair will grow in like before.

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

get hair extensions, or ask your hairdresser

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

use thickening gel to make your hair thick

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

I would recommend Biotin. It is a very easy-to-find vitamin that you can find at almost any grocery store. It is primarily for the care of Integumentary system (hair, skin, and nails).

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

massage oil in2 scalp before washing. always plait your hair before you sleep. You can use volume products for your hair.

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

we had d same problem b4 ,but when i start using aloe vera gel almost everynyt 1 hr. or more b4 i take a bath,massage and.then after 2 weeks it works.stop falling and a new hair start growing.try it but dont expect a very fast effect be patient and faith,,,,

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?


Use "Segals" Brand 'Advanced Shampoo for Thinning Hair' and 'Advanced Conditioner for Thinning Hair'. For strong and healthy re-growth of hair from roots with a better texture and to arrest premature Hair Fall use "Segals" brand 'Advanced Scalp Formula' and 'Advanced Hair Root Supplement'.

Revolutionary professional products based on rare (NATURAL) botanical extracts - Saw Palmetto, Biotin, Inositol, Rosemary, Fo-Ti, Kelp, Nettle and Silica. 100% safe. Clinically proven and backed by research. Assured results. 100% money-back guarantee in US and Canada. Imported in India from Canada. No other product works better-everything else is commercial. Don't use any shampoos containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocoamide, Propylene Glycol.

The faster way to really change the health of your hair is by taking supplements that work internally on the follicle where hair is made; that can only happen with systemically provided support, which means supplements that you take internally.. Keep in mind, regardless of how many or how much you take of any supplement, hair is never going to grow at a "Jack and the beanstalk" type of rate, the most you can hope for is to improve the strength and health of each hair follicle and to see an incremental increase in the rate of its growth

More details - write to or contact (0)984-06-07-088.

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

When it comes to having beautiful, full hair my best answer would be henna. Make sure you don't use lemon or lime juice in your recipe when you make the henna as they can cause your hair to break if it's already weak. Rain water is usually acidic enough to get a nice colour out of the henna as well and won't harm your hair further. Try using the henna as often as you can it should thicken your hair and keep it healthy. If you don't want the red of the henna you may want to look for "neutral" or "colourless" henna. It will do as nice a job for your hair but without the colour. With the neutral henna you just have to mix it with tap water, this should be used as often as possible. If there are any skin problems on your scalp the henna or neutral henna will both help fight it. The last idea I have would be to take coconut oil and massage your head with it every night. Make sure when you're washing out the oil you're using a gentle shampoo, even better a henna shampoo. I wish you luck.

I have lost my hair in the last summer and it has become thin. How can I make up my hair like a thick one?

Your diet should be rich in bitoin content (oats, green peas) and also massage your scalp and hair daily with olive or almond oil. It will enhance hair growth.

Fpr more on keeping your hair healthy read

I had lost my hair, I would like to hair tranparation, which of one help me?

Try the words "hair transplant."

"Tranparation" probably won't get you anywhere with a search engine.

And what do you want fake hair for anyway? Bald is beautiful.

When you lose your hair everyday, most of them is fine thin hair or thick ones?

Most people lose up to 100 strands of hair daily. They will fall out from anywhere on the head, depending on how long they've been there. Most people have varying densities of hair on the head (more strands in specific areas of the head - people tend to be thicker at the top, back of the head, and thinner around the hairline). Generally the texture of the hair is more consistent throughout, so the hair you lose would be a basic strand of your hair type.

When you lose your hair everyday, most of them is fine thin hair or thick ones?

Good to know ty

When you lose your hair everyday, most of them is fine thin hair or thick ones?


Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?


Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

Up because you are pulling your hair upwards.

A trick is if you wear ponytails a lot, wear ponytail in a different place each day.(Like higher or lower)

Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?


Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

deffinitely up. because youre pulling it more.

Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

I believe down because when you put in and remove the hair tie, hair is more likely to get tangled in it and pulled out from the scalp.

Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

up. your pulling it out at the roots. But this only happens if your like having it stand straight up, lol. it really does not matter unless you pull your hair back tight.

Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

I'm guess up because you are pulling you hair so when you take out your pony tail the hair u pulled is getting all tangled in your rubber band

Do you lose more hair by putting your hair up or down?

Neither. if you pull it too tight, it's going to break off anyway

When I spike my hair, I can see more of my scalp compared to others who spike their hair...anyway to

Whenever I spike my hair up, I see more scalp, like an certain angles in the mirror, you can see more scalp. I thought it was hairloss, but I havent been losing much hair since my hair has always been like this.

Can I do anything to minimize the appearance of my scalp?

When I spike my hair, I can see more of my scalp compared to others who spike their hair...anyway to fix?

Apparently this hairstyle is not suitable for u, and to give a proper advice, I need to see ur hair. But I can guess the following: ur scalp is not having enough hair follicles to cover it or u r having hair loss (though that uve mentioned it is normal, but u need to check that it is within the normal range) or ur hair strand is too thin.

Try doing the following:

A-Say to ur barber to cut ur hair in a vey irregular manner, mmm閳?. (ok, i will use letters that represents hair strands)something like that iillllii,iIllli,illillilIi.( to do so only in the area where u spike it).

* "ili" I will call it a 閳ユ笁air group閳? I will use this term in part B.

See this lower case 閳ユ笅閳?,when u get to spike ur hair ,they stay behind 閳ユ甫npulled閳?coz they r not long enough to be pulled like the others (long hair strands=upper case letters), so they will cover ur scalp and give the illusion that u have no empty areas.

B-After doing so ,try to change the gel that u r using, get a mild hold gel ,put it on ur finger tips and start spiking each 閳ユ笁air group閳? Try to avoid touching ur scalp, so ur hair from the growth area (area just touching ur scalp) and ur scalp are gel free, again for the illusion effect mentioned earlier. And another point, if u r standing under any light source and having gel on ur scalp, eventually ur scalp will shine and it will be more obvious to others standing away from u that u r having empty areas.

In case if u r unable to do A, then try B anyways. In case if u tried A %26amp; B and yet u r unhappy with the result,then u can either drop the idea of hair spikes or u need to check that ur hair loss is normal (coz some hair sprays and gels do affect the hair negatively and that varies from one person to the other).

Anyhow,stopping the use of sprays and gels, ur hair quality and growth will improve (but not back to normal) within 6 month period. In general, I advice to limit the use of such products.

* Most people do this mistake; they shower with hot water that hits their scalp the 1st thing. Do u know how do food factories remove the feather off the poultry? They put them in hot water to facilitate the process!! So give ur scalp a break if u r doing so and try to wash ur hair by warm to cold water. Moreover, while applying shampoo to ur hair put some of it in ur palm 1st, apply some water and mix till it foams then apply to ur hair (of course ur hair have to be wet b4 applying the shampoo.).

Also u can go for hair ampoules which treats hair loss problems. Check these brands vichy or loreal, also out of any check a gel that suits u.

I hope that i kept it simple and clear! i hope it works for! Good luck!

When I spike my hair, I can see more of my scalp compared to others who spike their hair...anyway to fix?

I don't think got what you got. Sorry.

When I spike my hair, I can see more of my scalp compared to others who spike their hair...anyway to fix?

I dont know Look ariund I think there is some sort of paint.. seriuosly

My cat keeps sneezing and her hair was falling out. What is wrong with her?

I took her to the vet last week, and he said she had allergies because of the pattern of hairloss she had on her back. He gave her a shot of cortizone because he said it would trick her body and she would stop pulling her hair out (she was overgrooming because that area itched and pulling her own hair out) and now her hair is growing back and that all seems to be fine...but NOW she is also sneezing (started yesterday) like crazy. She has never done this before in her life. Do you think it is still allergies or just a cold? My vet said that her hair thing was allergies but lots of animals this year have alot of skin problems that have never had them before because of the strange weather. He said to wait two months and if she started losing her hair again, then we would put her through allergy testing. I am just worried now because it sounds like she has some sort of repiratory problem.

My cat keeps sneezing and her hair was falling out. What is wrong with her?

It's probably just the allergies. My cat was the same way. She had to take medicine in addition to getting shots. We recently had to take her off them though, because she got fat and had arthritis. She's better now, though. Be warned, even shots and medicine may not be the best solution permanently. Keep taking her for vet visits periodically to see if treatment needs to change.

My cat keeps sneezing and her hair was falling out. What is wrong with her?

Listen my dog has it to wierd huh my cat to. Im a vet i dont know what it is either my suggestion even comeing from me go for a second oppion tell them whats going on. even mention what your other vet said but say you disagree

My cat keeps sneezing and her hair was falling out. What is wrong with her?

sounds like your cat has an allergy. you should take her to the vets to be sure.

My cat keeps sneezing and her hair was falling out. What is wrong with her?

I wouldn't worry about the sneezing too much. I'm sure it's just whatever allergy she has. If she starts breathing strange or coughing, then I would think it was a cold or some kind of infection. My mom's dog has been sneezing a lot lately, but her vet says it's just allergies.

Hair pigment?

Hey, I think my hair is losing its pigment and I'm only in my late teens, is that possible? (dark brown hair, looks red when I cut it short)

Hair pigment?

My hair always does that. as you wash your hair, chemicals in the air and water eat away at the color. If you are concerned about it, use a temporary color conditioner.

Hair pigment?

It is possible

Why do babies lose their hair?

my son is 6 weeks old and he started to lose it about 2 weeks ago. i feel so bad because it is starting to look funny. after it is done falling out...when will it start to grow back?

Why do babies lose their hair?

Newborn hair loss is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Babies often lose their hair during the first six months. A newborn's hormone levels drop right after birth, which can cause him to lose the hair he was born with. If you notice that your baby has bald patches, observe the way he sits and sleeps. If he always sleeps in the same position or tends to sit with the back of his head against a baby seat, he may lose hair in that area. He may also develop a bald spot if he rubs his head against his mattress. There is really nothing you can do about it and there are no guarantees, but in most cases a baby's hair loss is temporary. There's a good chance your child will sport a full head of hair within a year.

Why do babies lose their hair?

Nope. That's the worst case of premature baldness I've ever heard of.

Why do babies lose their hair?

Don't worry, hun, he probably rubbed it off since they spend most of their time on their backs. That why they tell you that tummy time is important while they are awake. It will grow back, probably around the time he starts to sit up.

Why do babies lose their hair?

All of my babies lost their hair from birth, and it came back a different color. My youngest is 4 months old and he has all of his new hair. So sometime between 1 %26amp; 4 months.

Why do babies lose their hair?

It totally varies from baby to baby. My daughter was born with tons of black hair, and it never fell out. It grew in dark brown, with the black newborn hair still on the ends. Looked like she had a bad dye job, lol.

Why do babies lose their hair?

baby's hair does fall out its when they lie in the same spot in there cot or there basket my son lost half his hair on the one side it grew back within weeks

don't worry to much about it is normal

hope this has helped

thanks for reading

Why do babies lose their hair?

They lose baby hair just like they would lose their baby teeth.

Why do babies lose their hair?

I don't know my son's hair never fell out.

Why do babies lose their hair?

my son had a gorgeous head of hair when he was born. infact other than his health all i wanted was a baby with hair, my partner said when i was in labour "i can see its head" so i asked him if it (we now know he) had any hair lol! then after a month it all rubbed off and i was upset, not devastated, but its grown back now. its normal, its because its so fine, if i were you id take a lock before it all goes!

Why do babies lose their hair?

Not all babies lose their hair.

I have observed that babies who are left in carseats, bouncy chairs, playpens, playmats, cribs, and swings quite a bit of the time, are always the ones who get the bald spot (which precludes a flat head).

Mom's that hold their babies alot, or wear them in slings, (and it helps to sleep with them) never see bald spots or flat heads on their children.

It will eventually grow back, once he's off of his back all the time. But, (and I'm assuming here, sorry) I would suggest you hold your baby more, and keep him out of the bouncy chair :). He needs more interaction and holding if he's getting a bald spot.

What Can I Eat to promote hair growth?

Basically I'm trying to lose weight and have recently discovered that Im losing alot more hair that I used to use. So, I was wondering what foods I can eat so that I won't lose my hair?

What Can I Eat to promote hair growth?

zinc ? I have been told taking zinc tablets will cause thicker, better hair.

What Can I Eat to promote hair growth?

balanced diet

What Can I Eat to promote hair growth?

my mom to she is trying to lose wieght but instead she loses hair

If i am not losing the average 100 hairs a day does that mean theres something wrong with me. As far

tell I only lose about 10 hairs a day.

If i am not losing the average 100 hairs a day does that mean theres something wrong with me. As far as i can?

The other hairs that you loose are very fine body hairs. They are barely notable. You are just fine!

If i am not losing the average 100 hairs a day does that mean theres something wrong with me. As far as i can?

no it means ur hair is really healthy

If i am not losing the average 100 hairs a day does that mean theres something wrong with me. As far as i can?

Then you have a pretty healthy scalp. You might even be losing more, you just don't notice it.

If i am not losing the average 100 hairs a day does that mean theres something wrong with me. As far as i can?

more than likely you just dont notice the loss but by some phenominon you arent you just have a really healthy scalp

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What

I have very curly, long, dark hair. I'm male, so I'm always told it's Marc Bolan-esque. When I brushed it, a lot came out, and it looked very thin in the shower...I could see more scalp than I'd like. And the shampoo I used, while "all-natural" and "gentle", made it feel even THINNER. I lost most of the curl. I wish I could shampoo and brush my hair without losing curl or lots of hair...but it seems I can't? Should I go another six weeks? Can I ever wash it again? Help!

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

that's disgusting that you didn't take a shower in over a month...sorry!

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

Try a specialist shampoo.

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

u should/could atleast rinse the scalp thouroughly especially when ur not shampooing it. but atleast put on a few drops once in a while coz various bacterias might form in your scalp if not cleansed.

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

If you have very curly, kinky dark hair. You do not wash your hair everyday! It might sound nasty but the natural oils in your hair needs to get to the ends..and that takes longer with curly hair. Wash your hair once a week or once every two weeks, but condition it everyday, wetting your hair will not hurt it, also, use a pic, not a brush. I have very nasty kinky african american hair..Well..I did anyways. But in the summer I did all this and my hair was very healthy again, I straighten my hair a lot so that's why it was all dry. Just condition your hair everyday and wash it once a week, use a pic, and you'll do just fine :)

I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

Dont go out and buy anything expensive.

First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Use a teaspoon of every oil and honey,.... a little more if ur hair is long or a little less if ur hair is short

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed, fortify, reconstruct, moisturize, soften %26amp; remove all frizz I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

You can also use a conditioner but get a light conditioner that wont wiegh ur hair down, becuz u can over condition, I use herbl essences "clean happy" conditioner.

When I do this at nite, I wake up, shampoo %26amp; condition, rinse and style as usual. Has worked for years

You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.


I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

Omg :O y an earth didn't u wash it tht's terrible tths jus digusting from mii point but hey erm u need help soo hers sum ..

Try %26amp; wash it every morning %26amp; night everyday this week %26amp; c how thts goes if tht does not work try some specilist shampoo read the tub tht'll help u 4 wot u need


if tht dnt work then well jus go too a stylist they will help you cuz u seriously need some !

hope it all goes well and tht i've kinda helped you


I didn't shampoo my hair for six weeks. It was WONDERFUL! When I did again, it was awful. What should I do?

read this book aging without growing older. by judy macfarland........... Rogaine used on a regular routine will help your hair. you got to be consistant , msm will make your hair thicker and grow faster.Msm over a period of time will make your hair thicker and you will notice less hair loss in the shower

A great, professional hair dresser who knows what they are doing.

can give u a cut and style that makes your hair appear thicker and fuller.

Please do not go that long with out a bath,

A defuser on your hair dryer will help your hair appear fuller too.

Someone good with hair can help you style. Dont use a brush if you want curl. use a hair pick.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

buy hair cream any brand can help..

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?



I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

Rogaine - it's now over the counter and they do make a version for women. It's going to take some time though so be patient. How did you lose your hair? Did you have a dramatic weight loss recently? That'll do it - I know, it happened to me too! Just a patch of hair in the back of my head. It's slowly growing back but I sometimes look like Alfalfa! ;)

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

I know rogaine helps some people. Best bet would be to see a dermatologist though. There may be better alternatives now.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

You need to get a medical opinion to make sure it is not hereditary; If it is medically related, hopefully, the problem can be treated and you will grow your hair back. If it is hereditary, it can not. The other good news, with the way wig making has improved, no one will know (if you select the right one) except you unless you tell.

The best is hoped for you as this can be devastating.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

probably, you would have to go see a hair specialty also try Dr. Miracle.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

dont do dieting , eat good and healthy food, if ur very cap daily dont do it ,change ur shampoo,eat yogurt and curry leaves too they good for hair texture ,color and growth too.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

stylist here u can buy NIOXIN at walmart smart style salons works welllllllllllllllll now u need to give it time and be faithful to it hunny

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

apply green corinder juice on the affected areas.

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

It would help if you included details as to why you lost your hair. If we don't know the whole story, no one can give you a precise answer.

Did you lose it all or just in patches? It could be a number of things: alopecia, chemo treatments, poor diet, heredity?

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

Take the advice from experts

I lost my hair, Is there any medicine to regain hair ?

You should apply Aloe Vera gel on your hair. Urjita Jain's herbal products have aloe Vera gel.... That is awesome.

Also get 10-15 leaves of jaswand (Hibiscus), make a paste in mixer and apply to your hair everyday.

Also massage your scalp for just 5 minutes everyday.

If you follow this properly, your hair will stop falling in a couple of weeks. and in a couple of months time you will see new hair growing.

Good luck with that.

This remedy helped for my brother, so I know it WORKS !!

Oily itchy scalp causing thinning hair??

Hi, I'm a 20 year old male,

I've noticed that my hair is thinning all over but shows mostly on top of my head. (not at all like male pattern baldness) I wash my hair every day but my scalp itches alot and by the end of the day my hair gets really greasy and smells bad too.

is it possible that the itchy oily scalp is causing my hair to thin?? I'm really annoyed at this because I have no idea what is causing the thinning.

I understand there is always a chance that it is hereditary but in my family the men start losing the hair (not a lot) when over 50.

Thanks in advance.

Oily itchy scalp causing thinning hair??

first try not to wash your hair every day. its causes your scalp to over react and it makes more oil...maybe why its gets oily by the end of the day. also use good products to wash your hair with and im not sure if they have it for men but i usually buy a spray for my hair that makes your hair not look shiny...maybe try that?

Oily itchy scalp causing thinning hair??

Sounds a little like dermatitus. Go to a doctor and you can get special shampoo.Are you allergic to any natural ingredients? Well all male pattern baldness starts somewhere? Maybe your the start of it? Dont worry too much! Men can get away with thinning hair more than women! It wont cause thinning i dont think! But possibly the conditon might be in a bad state.

Oily itchy scalp causing thinning hair??

I would got a dermatologist and have them to a culture of yourscalp. There could be something very simple you need to take care of, or Sometimes the follicles produce to much dhth, and it causes the follicles to thin and eventually fall out.

Also you can goto a high end saloon and they can recommend a shampoo for thinning hair that might make your scalp healthier. I am not sure if I am spelling it right but there is a 4 step system shampoo (its really expensive) but not as expensive as monoxidle(rogaine for men) and the name sounds like this (Nioxen) My hair dresser said this works very well for men to strengthen the hair they still have. This however doesn't grow new hair.