Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hair loss, rogaine foam or max strength?

Does Rogaine foam or extra strength work best? Also I know that it causes you to lose healthy hair then regrow new stronger hair, but once you stop using it do you still lose the healthy hair that was there before? Im worried because im begining to go bald at the side of my hairline..and im stilll young i have a good head of hair but it is dissapearing on the i dont want to lose even more hair if i stop using it if it doesnt work... meaning if it causes some hair to be lost due to the initial stage... im really distressed over this and would really like anyones help, i thought i could escape male pattern baldness but i was wrong... please help

Hair loss, rogaine foam or max strength?

I'm in the same boat as you m8, I've been using regain for 3 months nowand havnt noticed a difference but I've been alittle slack with applying it. The way I see it, if theres a chance I can keep my hair I'm going to take it, it's so expensive though.

Hair loss, rogaine foam or max strength?

If your loosing you hair there is nothing you can do about it...

Hair loss, rogaine foam or max strength?

Baldness is caused by different things. See a doc. It is not all "male pattern" baldness. But other conditions can cause it and Rogaine will not work. If it does you must stay on it continuously then the Rogaine hair will fall out.

Hair loss, rogaine foam or max strength?

look at a product called the lazer comb also take hair vitimins and protein use an inversion table get the blood to the head

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