Monday, July 27, 2009

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

idk it seems like on one side of my head i got less hair at da biggining of my forehead now i dont remember if i was born like this or im losing my hair ... now what i want to know is how does hair loss begin or where does it come from what causes it etc and about what age do you start losing your hair and how can you tell ur losing it 10 POINTS TO WHOEVER ANSWERS MY QUESTION BEST

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

Hair loss can start in late teens for most of us guys.

The place you're talking about may be the start of male-pattern baldness. Most males will also get the bald spot in the back of the head. It's usually genetic.

A way to find out if you're losing it is watch the shower drain and your comb.

The balding area in front has no known treatments at this time, other than no hair gels, hair sprays or shampoo that contains alcohol. Read ingredients and stay away from the words, alcohol, or paraben like methylparaben. Paraben is wax and it causes build up and lack of oxygen. I personally use Nioxin. A little more expensive but worth it.

As for a balding area in the back of the head, Rogaine is the number one grower at this point. There are other treatments on the horizon. As for surgery such as folicle transplant there is limited success.

Also, medications, steroids and stress are among many things that will cause hair loss. If it becomes severe, at a fast rate, see a Doctor because it can be a sign of illness such as a thyroid condition.

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it's usually from your body like maybe your not eating, cancer, lukemia, genes, etc. it depends on a lot of stuff!!

here is more info

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I have seen men start loosing hair as early as thier early tweenties. It starts around the fore head area, and then just starts moving back.

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You look scary in your picture.

Anyway it is common for man to lose hair because of their high testerone levels.It may start from the front of any side of the head.Please wash and keep your scalp clean as to encourage hair growth.Hair falling out is alright but by keeping the scalp clean it will continue to grow hair even thought sometimes thinner and finer.Maintain a healthy diet and stop worrying as worrying does not help.God bless you and may you grow more hair.

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Hair loss is generally hereditary through the father's side. So if your father started to lose his hair, there is a good chance you will too around the same age.

You might want to keep in mind that hair loss can also be caused by poor diet and nutrition. You want to make sure you are eating healthy, getting lots of protein and vitamins.

There is a shampoo out that is available at almost any hair salon called Nioxin or maybe it is spelled Nyoxin. Anyways that is supposed to help your hair grow faster and thicker. There are also many commercial hair loss products on the market available at your local drug store. However, if you are seriously concerned enough to use a hair loss product I would consult with a physician about the possible causes of your hair loss. Helping the symptoms without finding the cause will only temporarily fix your delima.

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I have heard of people having this problem when they have parasites. It can be cleared up by going to a naturopath, etc.

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

hair loss can start even when ur young.i know this guy dave ,he's 21 and hes going bald, its like in the front by his forehead on each side theres a big gap of no hair. use rogain thats what my parents use. it might be herriditerry.

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

Perhaps an old picture of yourself would be helpful. It may give you a clue as to where your hair line was was.

Hair loss is you may look at your Dads hair for answers. There's no magic answer as to where, or how it starts.....every case is unique.

As for how to stop it.....I don't think it's possible to stop. But I do know that wearing a baseball cap regularly can make it happen quicker.

On a lighter note - Bald is SEXY!!!

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Most of hair loss is genetic, meaning it runs in the family. You can prevent hair loss through products to keep the hair that you have. Most products are unsucessful at growing hair back, but if you start early, it will keep the hair that you have now from falling out. It takes effort though, if you don't stay with a regime, it won't work. You can't help your genes, but you can ward them off, but you have to stick with the program. Just once a week won't work, you have to do it everyday. Rogaine, Nioxin, they all work to keep the hair that you have, but once you stop, your hairs' natural progression comes back.

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don't care about that becouse every man losse there hair daily your actual problem not lossing is not growing

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maybe its just parted on the rong side

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the best option is to ask advice from a professional

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Our hair grows between 1 and 1.5cm per month. It is normal to lose 50 and 100 hairs per day; however, hair loss over this amount over a period of time is a sign of alopecia. There are two types of hair loss, reactive hair loss - a temporary disorder caused by fatigue, stress, pollution, poor diet, pregnancy and memopause. Chronic and persistent hair loss - A genetic disorder, which is caused by the depletion of our hair capital. There is no extact age of when you are likely to start lossing hair or when you hair will begin to thin.

If detected early there are a number of good quality shampoos and treatments that can be used to treat this condition. check out the following website which has a large number of products and vitamin supplements you could use to prevent further hair loss.

The three main products i would recommend are

Phyto Axil

Kerastase aminexil

Phyto trixil

check out the site in depth for alternatives and related products

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

baldness usually comes from mom's side of the family.

if mom's dad went thin in the front first , chances are you will too.

if mom's mom has thin hair , chances are you will too.

you have a 1/2 and 1/2 chance you will end up with mom's dad's hair. a 1/2 and 1/2 chance you will end up with mom's mom's hair. and 1/4 a chance you will have your own pattern.

if both of mom's parents are bald/thin, then, i'm soo sorry, but you are probably screwed.

if you had light hair i would suggest coloring it darker to make it appear thicker, but that's hard to do on black hair. keep it shorter so it looks thicker is all i can tell you.

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Remedies to prevent hair loss

Almost everyone likes to have thick hair as it adds value to your personality. But if your hair is not dense it can be enhanced with proper treatment.

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There are many reasons for hair loss. Hair loss could be due to stress, medication, hormonal imbalance etc. DHT and male pattern baldness are closely related to each other. The dihydrotestosterone has a very bad effect on the hair follicles, which slows down the growth of hair or stops hair growth completely...

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You should make sure that you have a head massage.....It helps blood circulation in your scalp and the hair growth would be even in all places.

Hair loss occurs due to many factors like:



Medication (side effects)

Here are some tips for hair growth:

Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss

Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage

HELP!!!! hair loss??? uh read on...?

This site has some great info

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