I am 6 months pregnant with my first child and I was curious what type of hair she would have.
My Husband:
-My husband is full Swedish(He is from Sweden) and him and his whole family have straight blonde hair
-I am half Swedish, a quarter African American, and a quarter Native American and I have light brown hair with very lose curls. And everyone on my Dads side(Native American and African American) has Dark Brown tight curly hair, on my Moms side(Swedish) she and all her family have straight blonde hair
Thank You for your help :)
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
Wouldn't it be great if we could know what color eyes and hair our children will have? Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing because it truly is luck of the draw and which color genes are more dominant over the others. Good luck!
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
The texture I am not so sure, usually dark hair will outweigh the blond, but it could have straight or curly hair. If it is blond it won't be tight curly, but the chances are it will have dark and curly hair,
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
technically you wouldnt know till birth but i would probably think it would come out brown....
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
depends if your hair gene is recessive are not. if the sweedish one isnt recessive your kid will probably have blonde hair but if it is recessive your kid will have brown hair. Id say 60% blonde 40% brown
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
I think dark hair is the dominant trait but I'm not sure about the texture. I have naturally wavy hair and my husband's is too but only one of our kids has curly hair. Both my brother and his wife have curly hair but their son's is straight. I do know that the hair your baby is born with will not necessarily be a good indicator of what they will actually have later. Good luck with your pregnancy. I remember having lots of fun dreaming about what my kids would look like too.
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
It's hard to say for sure but the genetic factors would say that the baby has the greatest chance of having brown curly hair and brown eyes. There is a 25% chance that the baby will bear the Swedish traits. The darker hair color is dominant as is the darker eye color. I would bet my money on light brown wavy hair and light brown eyes. The baby may be born with jet black hair or hair so light it is invisible or even none at all. Most babies are born with blue eyes that change to their adult color sometime in the first year. You will not know what the baby will look like until the baby gets closer to two years. So, you have two years of guessing and comparing pictures to enjoy before you will really know.
Hope that helps
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
toss a 6 sided coin and you might be right. no one will be able to tell you, just enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy.
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
I have seen anywhere from blonde tight curly hair to strait black hair and anything and everything in between. Cant really count on the type of hair but you can count on having a beautiful child! multiracial children are always beautiful!
What Color hair and hair Texture will my baby have ?
perhaps dark blond hair because you have brown hair and he has blond hair.....just a thought :)
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