Our 13 year old Yorkshire Terrier has been losing his hair in spots all over his body. Lately he's been chewing at his skin till it's raw but he doesn't have fleas! His vision and hearing are both going bad due to old age, so could his hair loss be because of old age too?? Or could there be another probable cause? The hair loss is not due to his chewing on himself...so count that one out.
What causes dog hair loss?
Terriers are nortorious for terrible skin problems and he could also have an allergy.
Age may bring on other kinds of mental problems as well, and the dog could be chewing out of some reaction within their mind
What causes dog hair loss?
well dry skin or fleas. Those two things make them itch and lose their hair. Give him a regular bath, and if that doesn't work then give him a flea bath
What causes dog hair loss?
There are a number of possible reasons causing this hair loss. One single unseen flea can trigger a flea allergy. Thyroid malfunction can cause hair loss as well as poor nutrition or some undiagnosed medical condition. Schedule a vet visit for proper diagnosis. Good luck!
What causes dog hair loss?
You should have your vet take a look but it could be pretty simple. There is medicated shampoo for a condition dogs often get where their skin gets itchy and raw and hair falls out. My dog get it a lot. She just had it and has a bunch of bald spots. My vet calls it the creeping crud. I gave her a bath with the medicated shampoo and it's better. There is also nonprescription shampoo called 'Itchy dog' shampoo in some pet stores. It could also be allergies.
What causes dog hair loss?
When dogs get older, coat problems are prettycommon. It could be because the oil-producing glands aren't working as well anymore and skin and coat are dry. It could also be a sign of Cushing's syndrome. If your yorkie hasn't been to the vet for a while you might want to take him to get checked out.
What causes dog hair loss?
Your dog has demodex type of mange it is usually carried in the blood and regular dog immune systems fight it off but when the immune system starts wearing out. the mange flares up. take your dog to a vet but at this point it seems you will not be able to do anything about it because the treatment for this mange is usually a poison based treatment.
What causes dog hair loss?
heat they have to shed the coat
not a problem
What causes dog hair loss?
Could be old age, could be dry skin, food allergies. All sorts of things.. Do you bath him all the time??
Over bathing dogs, stripping them of their natural oils will dry the heck out of them..
Check your food bag, maybe you could be feeding a better quality dog food. Add some Omega 3 oils to the diet, that 'll help with dry skin.
What causes dog hair loss?
Get bloodwork done on your dog right away, it sounds like your dog is really suffering. I agree with the post about getting the thyroid checked especially. Your vet will probably start out with steriods to ease the pain and reduce the itching/biting but this is only a bandaid approach, you need to find the root cause. Look up a Dr. Pitcairn, he is a vet and has a book out on Amazon.com. Since we put our Yorkies on his easy to make diets they are doing so much better and the older ones' eyes are now crystal clear (from looking old and cloudy) If your using Frontline ( Fipronil ) you may want to research some into that as well, it's an insecticide and I believe to be dangerous.
What causes dog hair loss?
old age, fleas, poor diet and/or allergies, mange etc..
What causes dog hair loss?
I have a seven year old german shepard, About 2 years ago she was shedding sooo bad, I mean giant clumps of fur all over my dark blue carpeting. She was also very itchy and so uncomfortable it was sad. I took her to the vet, she said that Holly wasn't getting enough nutrician from the Alpo I was feeding her, She suggested IAMS (it worked great until the took it off the shelves) She also said that she had allergys probably to my smoking and maybe just to dust in general. She told me to give a Benydryl capsule twice a day. It worked!!! Now I have a 125 pound dog so I wouldn't give all that to your little dog but talk to your vet, try the phone they can usually help that way without charging you. I hope this helps. GOOD LUCK
What causes dog hair loss?
Fleas come to mind first, apply a dose of Frontline or Advantage unless you already have done that in the last 30 days. Just because you don't actually see the fleas this doesn't mean they are not there. This is also prime time for allergy season. A lot of dogs and cats have this problem this time of year. A trip to the vet would be wise they may want to give him a low dose cortisone shot that will give him the relief he so desperately needs.
You can also try to bath him using and oatmeal based shampoo or one that says helps to relieve dry itchy skin. If the chewing persists he will give himself hot spots and could get a skin infection if he hasn't already done this.
A thyroid problem will cause hair loss without chewing but usually there are other signs of this like weight gain and increased water consumption.
What causes dog hair loss?
I'd try to switch the food first... sounds like allergies to me.
The above site ranks foods according to stars...
6 stars are the best for your dog, and anything lower than about 4 stars is like feeding your dog McDonald's for every meal...
So, try to switch your dog to a better food, and then try adding in some omega 3 oils... Like Salmon Oil.
Kronch which can be bought thru www.sitstay.com is a good brand... Timberwolf Organics also produces a good Salmon Oil.
Good luck.
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